
2020 Year - 45 . Week Vessel Details

Vessel Name Flag Arrival Port Registration
Date / Number
Goods receipt
Ready / Not Ready
Billing Information
for TL Billing
Warehouse Approval
EGY CROWN 045S Egypt - Estimated delivery date 04.11.2020 1EUR=9,5974 TRY
1GBP=10,5639 TRY
1USD=8,1211 TRY
It is not approved yet
GLUECKSBURG 045N MALTA - Estimated delivery date 03.11.2020 1EUR=9,5974 TRY
1GBP=10,5639 TRY
1USD=8,1211 TRY
It is not approved yet
JAN 044E Portugal - Estimated delivery date 07.11.2020 1EUR=9,6985 TRY
1GBP=10,7367 TRY
1USD=8,3082 TRY
It is not approved yet
JSP SLIDUR 044N Portugal - Estimated delivery date 02.11.2020 1EUR=9,4924 TRY
1GBP=10,4486 TRY
1USD=8,0285 TRY
It is not approved yet
K-RIVER 045E Antigua and Barbuda - Estimated delivery date 07.11.2020 1EUR=9,6985 TRY
1GBP=10,7367 TRY
1USD=8,3082 TRY
It is not approved yet
MAERSK DURBAN 045N United states 20330100IM035428 / 05.11.2020 READY 1EUR=9,6985 TRY
1GBP=10,7367 TRY
1USD=8,3082 TRY
MAERSK KAMPALA 043E MARSHALL ISLANDS 20330100IM034355 / 30.10.2020 READY 1EUR=9,5974 TRY
1GBP=10,5639 TRY
1USD=8,1211 TRY
MAERSK NAIROBI 042E Singapore 20330100IM034583 / 31.10.2020 READY 1EUR=9,4924 TRY
1GBP=10,4486 TRY
1USD=8,0285 TRY
MONTE ALEGRE 042S Singapore 20330100IM035496 / 05.11.2020 READY 1EUR=9,6985 TRY
1GBP=10,7367 TRY
1USD=8,3082 TRY
NELE MAERSK 043E DENMARK 20330100IM035421 / 05.11.2020 READY 1EUR=9,6985 TRY
1GBP=10,7367 TRY
1USD=8,3082 TRY
SPIRIT OF TOKYO 043A Singapore - READY 1EUR=9,6985 TRY
1GBP=10,7367 TRY
1USD=8,3082 TRY
It is not approved yet
WANDA A 042E TURKEY 20330100IM034586 / 01.11.2020 READY 1EUR=9,4924 TRY
1GBP=10,4486 TRY
1USD=8,0285 TRY