
2020 Year - 48 . Week Vessel Details

Vessel Name Flag Arrival Port Registration
Date / Number
Goods receipt
Ready / Not Ready
Billing Information
for TL Billing
Warehouse Approval
APL NORWAY 045S Liberia - READY 1EUR=9,0783 TRY
1GBP=10,1317 TRY
1USD=7,6699 TRY
It is not approved yet
AS FRANZISKA 048N Antigua and Barbuda - Estimated delivery date 23.11.2020 1EUR=9,0930 TRY
1GBP=10,1135 TRY
1USD=7,6751 TRY
It is not approved yet
CINZIA A 045E TURKEY 20330100IM037509 / 20.11.2020 READY 1EUR=9,0930 TRY
1GBP=10,1135 TRY
1USD=7,6751 TRY
KATHERINE BORCHARD 048N Antigua & Barbuda 20330100IM038177 / 25.11.2020 READY 1EUR=9,4237 TRY
1GBP=10,5877 TRY
1USD=7,9088 TRY
MAERSK DURBAN 048N United states 20330100IM038428 / 27.11.2020 READY 1EUR=8,9950 TRY
1GBP=10,0397 TRY
1USD=7,5785 TRY
MAERSK KLAIPEDA 046E MARSHALL ISLANDS 20330100IM037263 / 19.11.2020 READY 1EUR=9,1836 TRY
1GBP=10,2212 TRY
1USD=7,7393 TRY
NYSTED MAERSK 050E DENMARK - Estimated delivery date 26.11.2020 1EUR=9,0783 TRY
1GBP=10,1317 TRY
1USD=7,6699 TRY
It is not approved yet
PACUL 048N Portugal - Estimated delivery date 26.11.2020 1EUR=9,0783 TRY
1GBP=10,1317 TRY
1USD=7,6699 TRY
It is not approved yet
RUTH BORCHARD 047N MARSHALL ISLANDS - Estimated delivery date 23.11.2020 1EUR=9,0930 TRY
1GBP=10,1135 TRY
1USD=7,6751 TRY
It is not approved yet
SAN ALVARO 045E Liberia 20330100IM037536 / 22.11.2020 READY 1EUR=9,0930 TRY
1GBP=10,1135 TRY
1USD=7,6751 TRY
SINE A 047S MALTA 20330100IM037700 / 23.11.2020 READY 1EUR=8,9950 TRY
1GBP=10,0397 TRY
1USD=7,5785 TRY
SPIRIT OF TOKYO 046A Singapore 20330100IM038414 / 27.11.2020 READY 1EUR=9,0783 TRY
1GBP=10,1317 TRY
1USD=7,6699 TRY
UNI PHOENIX 048W Panama - Estimated delivery date 26.11.2020 1EUR=9,0783 TRY
1GBP=10,1317 TRY
1USD=7,6699 TRY
It is not approved yet